Dear Hendersonville Pediatrics families,

We are thrilled to announce that we have secured temporary space 2 locations in Hendersonville at The Free Clinics- 841 Case Street AND at Blue Ridge Health - 2579 Chimney Rock Road. Our Hendersonville doctors are now seeing patients at those addresses while both Brevard and Hendersonville physicians continue to see patients in Brevard - 157 Medical Park Drive.  

Our phone lines are open and our staff is available to assist you with appointments, medication refills or questions. When you call, we will discuss options for which location best serves you. We are also open Saturdays and Sundays for sick-child visits. We appreciate your patience and continue to be dedicated to the safety and well-being of our patients. 

Please call (828) 693-3296 or (828) 884-3440 for an appointment. 

Stay safe. Stay connected. -The Doctors at Hendersonville Pediatrics.

On January 12, 2022, an open letter was issued by the North Carolina Healthcare Association encouraging people to get their Covid Vaccines.

In the letter that was reviewed by multiple medical professionals including doctors and nurses, it was indicated that many hospital beds are being filled by those who have become infected with the virus and are not vaccinated, putting a strain on an already slim workforce, noting the disparity between the vaccinated and unvaccinated as being truly "heartbreaking."

Many people have been turned away for other emergencies unrelated to the virus but still need urgent medical attention, and are unable to receive care due to the hospitals being at capacity not only for beds, but ventilators as well. 

NCHA urges the community to get vaccinated so that we may put an end to this virus once and for all. 

To read the full letter, please click here.